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ICT Programmes

No matter whether you take ICT subject for the HKDSE or not, you may want to know the admission requirements, programme structure, progression pathways, internship opportunities, and graduate prospects of studying ICT courses in local tertiary institutions. In this study corner, we provide an overview of full-time locally-accredited ICT post-secondary programmes offered by local tertiary institutions.

Note 1: For full list of University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded programmes offered by the eight UGC-funded institutions, please visit Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS).

Note 2: For locally-accredited self-financing programmes, only programmes that are posted in the Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes (iPass) will be covered.

Student Corner provides the following information: 1. Admission Requirements: Entrance requirements with HKDSE / associate degree or higher diploma qualifications 2. Programme Structure: An overview of the programme structure including study path and pattern 3. Progression Pathways: Examples of degree / top-up degree programmes for which sub-degree programme graduates can apply to further their studies 4. Internship Opportunities: List of companies/organisations for which degree / top-up degree programme students may work as interns to gain real-world working experience 5. Graduate Prospects: Career prospect of sub-degree / degree / top-up degree programme graduates as IT professionals in various sectors

For an overview of ICT programmes offered by a particular local tertiary institution, please visit ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Programmes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a notable impact and features heavily in our daily lives. In fact, more and more people are using digital assistants powered by AI, like Google Assistant and Apple Siri, on mobile phones to search for information and perform simple tasks. In addition, many renowned e-commerce websites are also using AI to promote products and services that their customers may be interested in, in order to enhance user experience and customer loyalty. As such, there is a huge demand for AI specialists in both local and global markets.

If you are interested in pursuing studies in AI technologies such as machine learning, knowledge representation/inference, human-computer interactions, natural language processing, big data analytics, etc., the followings are AI programmes offered by local tertiary institutions. Please visit the official websites of corresponding programmes for details.

Institution Course Funding Category
Degree Programmes
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
The Chinese University of Hong Kong BEng in Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies UGC-funded
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
The Education University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology UGC-funded
Saint Francis University BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
UOW College Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence Self-financing
Top-up / Senior Year Places Degree Programmes
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
The Education University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology UGC-funded
Saint Francis University BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
UOW College Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence Self-financing
Sub-degree Programmes
Saint Francis University Higher Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Information and Communication Technology Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education Higher Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Publicly-funded
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology Higher Diploma in AI and Mobile Applications Development Publicly-funded
Higher Diploma in AI and Smart Technology Publicly-funded

Cyber Security Programmes

Cyber security protects information assets. With growing popularity of disruptive technologies including mobility, cloud computing, social networking, big data, etc., the accompanying information security and privacy issues have become the prime concerns.

If you are interested in pursuing studies in the field of cyber security such as network security, vulnerability assessment, information security, digital forensics, wireless security, data security, etc., the followings are programmes offered by local tertiary institutions. Please visit the official websites of corresponding programmes for details.

Institution Course Funding Category
Degree Programmes
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Information Security UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University Bachelor of Science with Honours in Cyber and Computer Security Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Technology BSc (Hons) Cyber Security, University of West London Self-financing
Top-up / Senior Year Places Degree Programmes
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Information Security UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University Bachelor of Science with Honours in Cyber and Computer Security Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Technology BSc (Hons) Cyber Security, University of West London Self-financing
School for Higher and Professional Education BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity, Coventry University Self-financing
Sub-degree Programmes
HKU SPACE Community College Higher Diploma in Information Security Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Technology Higher Diploma in Cybercrime and Investigation Self-financing
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing) (Stream: Cyber Security) Self-financing
Hong Kong College of Technology Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity (Testing and Compliance) Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity


Data Science Programmes

Data science is the study of where information comes from, what it represents and how it can be turned into a valuable resource in the creation of business opportunities and formulation of information technology strategies. Mining large amounts of structured and unstructured data to figure out the patterns therein can help an organisation rein in costs, enhance efficiency, explore market opportunities and sharpen its competitive edge. It adds value across all industries by providing insights, facilitating data-driven decision making and predicting trends.

There is a rising trend in the demand for skilled professionals in data science and data analytics across all sectors in Hong Kong. The Government published the Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint and Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint 2.0 in 2017 and 2020 respectively with a vision to build Hong Kong into a world-class smart city. To realise this mission, different sectors require skilled professionals to make critical business decisions based on huge datasets.

If you want to pursue studies on data science, such as big data analytics, data warehousing, data mining and related technologies, please stay tuned with the following data science programmes offered by local tertiary institutions. Please visit the official websites of the corresponding programmes for details.

Institution Course Funding Category
Degree Programmes
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) UGC-funded
BEng in Data Science and Engineering UGC-funded
The Chinese University of Hong Kong BSc in Computational Data Science UGC-funded
BSSc in Data Science and Policy Studies UGC-funded
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology BSc in Data Science and Technology UGC-funded
City University of Hong Kong BBA Information Management (Business Intelligence Stream) UGC-funded
BBA Information Management (Data Informatics Stream)


BEng in Data and Systems Engineering UGC-funded
BSc in Data Science UGC-funded
Hong Kong Baptist University BBA (Hons) Economics and Data Analytics Concentration UGC-funded
BSc in Business Computing and Data Analytics UGC-funded
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
Lingnan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science UGC-funded
Hong Kong Shue Yan University BSc (Hons) in Applied Data Science Self-financing
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence SSSDP
Top-up / Senior Year Places Degree Programmes
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Social Data Science UGC-funded
City University of Hong Kong BBA Information Management (Business Intelligence Stream) UGC-funded
BBA Information Management (Data Informatics Stream)


BEng in Data and Systems Engineering UGC-funded
BSc in Data Science UGC-funded
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence SSSDP
Lingnan University BSc (Hons) in Data Science UGC-funded
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence SSSDP
School of Professional Education and Executive Development Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Sciences (Statistics and Data Science) Self-financing
Sub-degree Programmes
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education Higher Diploma in Computer and Data Engineering Publicly-funded
School of Continuing Education of Hong Kong Baptist University Higher Diploma in Data Science Self-financing
HKU SPACE Community College Higher Diploma in Data Science Self-financing
Hong Kong Community College Associate in Statistics and Data Science Self-financing
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology Higher Diploma in Data Science and AI Publicly-funded

Financial Technology (FinTech) Programmes

Financial technology (FinTech) is gradually changing how we conduct commerce, the way we make payment, how we choose and how services are delivered. The Government spares no efforts to support the development of FinTech in Hong Kong to drive its smart economy growth as an international financial hub. In the 2017 Policy Address, the Government pledged to establish Hong Kong as a hub for the application and setting of standards for cutting-edge FinTech. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Securities and Futures Commission, and the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance have already established their respective dedicated FinTech platforms to enhance communication between regulators and the FinTech community. Invest Hong Kong has also established the FinTech team to assist the startups, investors and R&D institutions from the Mainland and overseas in establishing their presence in Hong Kong. To support financial innovation, Cyberport has launched its designated incubation programme to support 150 FinTech startups and opened a 3 000-square metre dedicated FinTech Smart-Space in 2016.

If you want to pursue study on FinTech technologies such as distributed ledger technology, big data analytics, Blockchain, etc., the followings are FinTech programmes offered by local tertiary institutions. Please visit the official websites of corresponding programmes for details.

Institution Course Funding Category
Degree Programmes
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology UGC-funded
The Chinese University of Hong Kong BEng in Financial Technology UGC-funded
City University of Hong Kong BSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology UGC-funded
Hong Kong Baptist University BBA (Hons) FinTech Concentration UGC-funded
BBA (Hons) Information Systems and Business Intelligence Concentration UGC-funded
BSc (Hons) in Business Computing and Data Analytics UGC-funded
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
BSc (Hons) in Investment Science and Finance Analytics UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BBA (Hons) in Finance and Financial Technology SSSDP
Hong Kong Shue Yan University Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Financial Technology SSSDP
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence SSSDP
Top-up / Senior Year Places Degree Programmes
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence UGC-funded
BSc (Hons) in Investment Science and Finance Analytics UGC-funded
Hong Kong Metropolitan University BBA (Hons) in Financial Technology and Innovation SSSDP
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence SSSDP
Sub-degree Programmes
College of International Education of Hong Kong Baptist University Associate of Science (Financial Technology) Self-financing