“iAM Smart”

The 2017 Policy Address announced a number of digital infrastructure projects to support the smart city development in Hong Kong. One of them is the provision of a digital identity (officially named as “iAM Smart”) to all Hong Kong residents free of charge, enabling them to use a single digital identity and authentication method to conduct online government and commercial transactions.
“iAM Smart” Platform
Launched in December 2020, “iAM Smart” Platform provides one-stop personalised digital services platform, which enables users to log in and use online services by their personal mobile phone in a smart and convenient way. All Hong Kong Identity Card holders aged 11 or above are eligible to register for “iAM Smart”. The numbers of services accessible through “iAM Smart” have been rising continuously. Popular online services of “iAM Smart” include SmartPLAY, eHealth, eTAX, Contactless e-Channel, HKeToll, renewal of vehicle licences, online application for International Driving Permit, online services of power and gas companies, etc.

The versions and functions of “iAM Smart”
“iAM Smart” account is available in two versions, namely “iAM Smart” and “iAM Smart+”. The “iAM Smart” version has authentication, “e-ME” Form Filling and personal assistant functions, while the "iAM Smart+" version has the digital signing function in addition:
- Authentication
Users will have a single digital identity that enables simple and secure login to various government and commercial online services. It brings convenience to daily life without having to manage different user names and passwords. - “e-ME” Form Filling
Users can use the "e-ME" function to store their personalised data (such as name, gender, HKID Card number, date of birth, residential address, and contact phone number), and enjoy the convenience brought by auto form filling and avoid filling in the same data for different applications. - Personal Assistant
Users can use an integrated interface to access the “e-ME” profile and have a unified view of your personal dealings with the data providers after you log in your account, including:- Personalised Notification;
- Billing and balance information (Coming soon);
- To-do list (Coming soon); and
- Application status (Coming soon).
- Digital Signing
Users can use "iAM Smart+" to sign digitally in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Chapter 553 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to process legal documents and procedures online.
“iAM Smart” Thematic Website and Mobile App
For details of “iAM Smart”, please visit the “iAM Smart” thematic website (iamsmart.gov.hk), or download & install the “iAM Smart” mobile app by scanning the following QR code.