Reveal the Potentials and Power of Digital Technology and Data
We promote data-driven, people-centric, and outcome-based digital policies within the Government and across sectors. Our work can be generally divided into below three main areas.
Digital Government
The Digital Government Branch of the Digital Policy Office spearheads the development of digital government to bring impact, convenience and benefits to the public and businesses; prompting B/Ds to embrace a transformative mindset in public services; and proactively devising digital plans to enhance public services. It also seeks to embed the concept and core drivers of digital transformation in B/Ds’ operations and future strategies, resulting in improved efficiency and effectiveness.
Scope of Work:
- Digital Government Policies, Targets and Measures
- Business Facilitation
- Digital Inclusion
- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund
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Data Governance
The Data Governance Branch of the Digital Policy Office is to formulate and promulgate policies and measures on data governance, with a view to opening up and sharing of more data; breaking information silos; harnessing technologies to analyse and leverage data; and innovating public services with the aid of IT and data.
Scope of Work:
- Enhancing Data Governance
- Common Data Platforms and Service
- Management Consultancy
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Digital Infrastructure
The Digital Infrastructure Branch of the Digital Policy Office is responsible for ensuring the adequacy, security and robustness of the digital infrastructure, oversee and implement policies and measures relating to Government IT project’s governance and cybersecurity, and deepen collaboration with the Mainland on the digital infrastructure and cross-boundary data flow, so as to support the sustainable development of digital government, economy and society.
Scope of Work:
- Government IT Business Window
- Legal Framework and Domain Name Administration
- Digital Government Common Applications
- Industry Development
- Information and Cyber Security
- Collaboration with the Mainland and Other Economies
- Professional Methodologies
- Multi-functional Smart Lampposts
- Multi-application Smart ID Card
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