What's New

City University of Hong Kong

College of Business
College of Engineering
School of Creative Media
School of Data Science

Admission Requirements

General Entrance Requirements:

Core Subjects Elective Subjects
(including M1/M2)*
English Language Chinese Language Mathematics Citizenship and Social Development Elective 1 Elective 2
Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Attained Level 3 Level 3

*Remarks for Elecive Subjects:

  • Unspecified electives may include Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1 / M2) and Category C other language subjects.
  • If students take both M1 and M2, they will be counted as one subject only.
  • Applied Learning (ApL) subjects are not counted as elective subjects, unless otherwise specified.

Department / School Requirements:

# The School accepts recognised Applied Learning subjects (Go to Entrance Requirements > JUPAS Applicants) obtained at “Attained with Distinction I/II” as one elective subject.

Entrance Requirements

School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) (Go to Special Consideration/Admission Schemes > Special Admission Schemes > School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS))

Internship Opportunities

List of selected companies participating in the placement / internship programmes:

IT Professional Placement, Department of Computer Science

Internship Programme, School of Creative Media

Internship Opportunities, School of Data Science

Internship Opportunities, Department of Electrical Engineering

Graduate Prospects

Employment Sector:

Employment Sector
Employment Sector in 2022 BBA Global Business Systems Management BBA Information Management
Business Services 42.9% 38.7%
Community, Social & Personal Services N/A 3.8%
Cultural / Creative Industries N/A 1.9%
Education N/A 1.9%
Engineering, Architectural & Technical Services N/A 1.9%
Financial Institutions 47.6% 23.6%
Government N/A 2.8%
Hospitality & Tourism Services N/A 0.9%
Insurance N/A 0.9%
Manufacturing N/A 2.8%
Real Estate 4.8% 0.9%
Trading N/A 3.8%
Transport, Storage & Communications 4.8% 13.2%
Not Classified Above N/A 2.8%
Note: The total percentage may not equal to 100% due to rounding.
BSc in Computer Science
BEng in Electrical Engineering

Job Nature:

Job Nature
Job Nature in 2022 BBA Global Business Systems Management BBA Information Management
Accountants & Auditors 4.5% 5.3%
Authors, Journalists & Related Writers N/A 2.6%
Business Professionals 45.5% 29.8%
Clerical & Related Workers N/A 4.4%
Economists, Statisticians & Mathematicians 4.5% 2.6%
Engineering Technicians 4.5% 1.8%
Engineers N/A 0.9%
Insurance, Real Estate & Business Services Salesmen 9.1% 0.9%
Managers 4.5% 2.6%
Medical & Health Workers N/A 0.9%
Protective Service Workers N/A 0.9%
System Analysts & Computer Programmers 22.7% 38.6%
Teaching & Research Profession N/A 0.9%
Other Professionals & Technical Workers N/A 2.6%
Miscellaneous 4.5% 5.3%
Note: The total percentage may not equal to 100% due to rounding.
Job Nature
Job Nature in 2022 BSc in Computer Science
Accountants & Auditors 0.9%
Administration / Management 3.5%
Business Professionals 6.1%
Engineering & Technical Work 1.8%
System Analysts & Computer Programming 79.8%
Teaching & Research Profession 1.8%
Miscellaneous 6.1%
Note: The total percentage may not equal to 100% due to rounding.
Job Nature
Job Nature in 2022 BEng in Computer and Data Engineering BEng in Information Engineering
Cloud Computing & Database 15% N/A
Computer Networking 6% N/A
Computer System 8% N/A
Cyber Security N/A 4%
Data Science 6% N/A
Database & System Admin N/A 17%
Embedded System 2% N/A
Machine Learning / AI / Data Analytics 4% 8%
Multimedia Technology 4% N/A
Networking N/A 8%
Software and/or Apps Development 38% 37%
N/A or Others 17% 26%

Graduate Employment Statistics 2022, Department of Electrical Engineering