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Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (2021-2023)


The first round of Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (the Training Programme) was launched in 2019, which was well received by the elderly participants and completed in August 2021.

To launch the subsequent round of the Training Programme, the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (the then OGCIO) openly invited applications from Elder Academy (EA) and engaged 11 of them as EA partners to implement the two-year Training Programme commencing in December 2021. This round of the Programme was completed in December 2023 and over 4 000 elderly participants completed the training courses.

Target Beneficiaries

Elderly people aged 60 or above with basic ICT knowledge.

Courses Provided

Each funded EA provides various types of ICT courses which cover topics including government mobile applications, smart healthcare, online shopping, mobile payment, e-wallet and cyber security, etc.

Course List

All courses under the Enriched ICT Training Programme were completed. Thank you for your support. Details of the subsequent round of courses will be announced in due course.

 Funded Projects

Region Project Title Funded Elder Academy Enquiry
Hong Kong Island Smart Ageing Scheme Aldrich Bay Government Primary School Hong Kong Women Foundation Neighborhood Elderly Centre Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2543 3890
E-mail: sasenquiry@hkwfhkpc.org.hk

Caritas Wu-Cheng-chung Secondary school Elder Academy - Infinity Technology Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2817 2318
E-mail: lyk@cwcc.edu.hk

ELITE (Hong Kong Island) – “Enhancement of Literacy on Information Technology for Elderly” Phase II Hong Kong Island Elder Academies Cluster

Tel: (852) 2700 1600
E-mail: elitehk@ywca.org.hk

Kowloon NAIL “IT”: Navigating in ICT Lifelong Learning Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(Formerly known as Institute of Active Ageing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Tel: (852) 3400 8970 / (852) 2766 4223
Website: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/apss/iaa/hk/

LST YKH & Buddhist HWCP Innovation Elder Academy – Enjoy Tech, Enjoy Gerontlife LST YKH & Buddhist HWCP Innovation Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2336 2657
E-mail: ea@ykh.edu.hk

New Territories ELITE (North District) – “Enhancement of Literacy on Information Technology for Elderly” Phase II Ching Wah Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2676 2525
E-mail: meel@ywca.org.hk

Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly Elder Academy at Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Tel: (852) 2915 2380 (Press [2] [0])
E-mail: elderacademy@hkmu.edu.hk

The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology LingnanU Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2616 8068
E-mail: luea@ln.edu.hk

NTWEAC Digital Senior Programme 2021-2023 New Territories West Elder Academies Cluster

Tel: (852) 2433 8268
E-mail: ntweac@gmail.com

ICT E-Smart +VE Pui Shing Elder Academy

Tel: (852) 2445 0344
E-mail: wsse@ychss.org.hk

Gerontech Communion No Boundaries TM Hope Elder Academy (Also provide courses in Kowloon region)

Tel: (852) 2462 0850
E-mail: eict@hctmhope.edu.hk