Business Liaison Groups
Business Liaison Groups (BLGs) are formal discussion forums established to further strengthen communication between the trade and the Government. Representatives from government bureaux and departments (B/Ds) concerned attend the forums to exchange views with the trade on licensing and regulatory matters at the operational level and provide timely feedback to their issues. BLG meetings are held regularly. Both the government and the trade representatives have found these meeting very useful.
Terms of References
The Terms of Reference of the BLGs are -
- to enhance communication between the trade and the stakeholding B/Ds to exchange views on licensing and regulatory matters at the operational level;
- to solict trade's views on the licensing regime so as to identify possible improvement opportunities; and
- to serve as a platform to brief the trade about the related regulatory requirements and business compliance facilitation measures, and consult the trade on regulatory proposals.
Business Sectors Covered
There are now 10 BLGs covering the following businesses. Please click the links below for details (including notes of BLG meetings).
Enrolment and Suggestions
BLGs are open to traders/operators of relevant business sectors. Representatives/associations of relevant sectors are welcome to join the BLGs or provide suggestions/comments on regulations/licensing matters related to the trade. If you are interested, please email us at with your contact details.